Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fighting the Urge

I know it's been a while since I've posted.  I'm sorry about that. I'm still working full time, and concentrating on my art.  It hasn't really left much time for anything else.

All has been going ok in polyland, well that is until tonight.  Peanut and I were home sick today.  I was home sick the day before.  Doll was off work today.  I was a bad girlfriend and should have spent time with her.  Instead I worked on my art.  I was too focused, and I think I hurt her feelings.  I didn't mean to.  She was saying she didn't feel well either, and napped a lot today.  I thought that I should give her her space, but I guess I thought wrong.

I didn't realize she was upset but I guess she wasl, but how was I supposed to know.  She didn't tell me.  When I am focused on my art, I get lost in time.  It's one of the things that I love most about doing it.  The world just melts away, but today I let it melt too far because I didn't realize she was actually upset.

Champ came home from work.  We ate dinner, and all set down to watch some tv.  He started to fall asleep, and she got even more upset.  I was giving her space.  I try not to get in the middle of arguments if they have them, because they deserve their space to work things out just the two of them.

But as I'm typing this, they are in the bedroom arguing.  It is breaking my heart, and I want to go in there so badly and help them work through it, but it isn't my place.  When she's ready to talk to me about being upset that we all haven't been spending time together, I will be ready to listen.  But they need time to work through their things going on.


I'll just be sitting here fighting the urge to go in there.

Until next time,